Welcome to a Journey of Sexual Alchemy and Body Empowerment

Understanding Our Relationship with Body and Sexuality

Welcome darling friend.

Thank you for exploring my blog.

I know it takes a heap full of courage and heart to not only pause and look at how we are relating to our bodies and sexuality.

But to take the brave step in asking for the support to establish a new pathway free from our held pain and limiting beliefs and to meet our sexual wounds as a source of medicine in the poison.

I hope this blog inspires you and fuels the “call” you feel to come back and re-remember and re-root in to your body,

To feel and trust into pleasure and sensations.

And to reclaim the innocent aliveness of your sexuality.

I know you have the courage and heart it takes, for it is that very same strength that has held you this far …

This blog is a tapas of suggestions, inspirations and lived wisdom, born out of my own journey of sexual alchemy.

Please feel most welcome to comment and share your own adventures.

All my love 

Michelle Robertons Signature

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Have a look at my YouTube channel


Two Life Altering Experiences From Sexual Trauma.

Two Life Altering Experiences From Sexual Trauma.

I have recently been honoured and deeply humbled to work with two amazing women who from a place of desiring to claim their body and

The Simplicity Of Touch.

The Simplicity Of Touch.

We are human beings hungry for touch. It is as essential as food and water, to be held, caressed, shown affection and loving touch. And

My Sharing As A Tantric Therapist.

My Sharing As A Tantric Therapist.

All Tantric Therapists offer a unique expression and flavour of Tantra. Michelle briefly shares the core behind her sharing of Tantra and Sacred Touch.  

Addictions ~ An Unmet Emotional Need.

Addictions ~ An Unmet Emotional Need.

Due to an increase of clients having the courage and heart to own, speak of and seek change for them selves ~ Michelle briefly shares

Find Ecstasy Within Yourself.

Find Ecstasy Within Yourself.

“Find ecstasy within yourself.                                          

Tantra As A Method For Life.

Tantra As A Method For Life.

This Tantric Snippet empowers us to embrace Tantra has a method that enriches all areas of our life … not just life “between the sheets.” ❤

What The F**k Is Spirituality?

What The F**k Is Spirituality?

Is spirituality another religion? Can we only be spiritual if we embrace yoga and yoga leggings into our lives? Michelle shares her perspective of be-ing

Three Tantric Magic Keys For Life, Love And Sex.

Three Tantric Magic Keys For Life, Love And Sex.

An introduction to three simple tantric methods, easily integrated into every day life to enrich our experience of life, love and sex. ❤    

The Value Of The Breath.

The Value Of The Breath.

Tantric Key One …  Michelle shares with us the value of the breath as one of the three most essential  Tantric keys to life, love

What It Means To Be Present?

What It Means To Be Present?

In this short snippet Michelle shares with us the second Tantric Key. What it means to be present?  And the importance of presence in life,

Your Sensual Nature.

Your Sensual Nature.

In this short Tantric snippet Michelle speaks of the third Tantric Key for life, love and sex  … your sensual nature ❤️    

Tree Hugging Hippy Clap Trap Or Value Able Methods For Life?

Tree Hugging Hippy Clap Trap Or Value Able Methods For

A short snippet sharing an experience of how a client felt New Age Spirituality language had made him feel uncomfortable and awkward rather than, encouragement

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