Audio Tantra Meditations.


Gifting  our body time to slow down and rest into breath and ground in short yet deeply nourishing moments during our day. 


An exploration into how we may invite creativity into our daily experience and live a rich inspired life.  

Exploring The Breath

Our breath is our bridge to this moment, our inner landscape, the passion of our heart, the fullness of our body. 
 To know our breath, without altering it but allowing space for it to fully come and go with its soft soothing rhythm, is to know ourselves.


Can we love ourselves as we love others?
Listen to our hearts desires.
Celebrate how far we have come rather than worrying about how far we have to go.
Nourish yourself in the light of your heart. 

Self Love & Kindness

Offering a felt sense of self nourishment and self love within your body, that deepens and expands as you soften into body and breath.
This audio is for Yoni owners. 

Paint Yourself With Love

Self caress is an essential ingredient in loving our body unconditionally and opening to a life that chooses to embrace new expansive pathways for pleasure.
To fully benefit from this audio, gift yourself with warm oil, candles and time to slow down.

Receiving From Mother Earth

Taking time to slow down and connect to the support beneath our footsteps allows us body to let go of the overwhelm of daily life.


A sensuous life is a life that sees and feels the extraordinary in the ordinary, that invokes our playful, creative, most alive self.



Focusing on the spine, we come down and in, away from mental chatter into the silence of this moment. 


As we surrender to the breath, we ease and free our energy from anxiety and develop trust in self, our body and in turn life around us. 


Our pelvic bowl and womb space is our place to re-turn-in.
To know our selves more deeply. 
To Plant the seeds of our creations.  
Listen to our dreams and hear the wisdom of  our unique medicine.

Yoni Rose

Many of us can spend a lifetime disconnected from our yoni due to beliefs or experiences we have grown from that have caused us to separate from the soft folds and sacred wisdom of our genitalia.
This audio supports us to listen.  To listen to our yoni so we may be guided as to what we need to thrive in life as a whole being with self love and devotion. 

Michelle Roberton

Guest Appearances - Coming Soon


Guest Speaking - Coming Soon


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