Tell Me What You Want.

My three boys were all most wonderfully home for Sunday brunch … two of them are experiencing feeling stuck and it was obvious as they spoke how torn they feel.

My eldest spoke up and said to them both “Don’t tell me what you think you should do.  Tell me what you want to do.”

The room changed and my boys began to voice from somewhere else within them.  Not from head and should but the fire of their belly, the voice of heart and desire.

It’s an interesting one isn’t.

How we feel unable to follow our hearts, our passions, our wants and yet so easily can meet the expectations of others or even what we have come to BELIEVE what we should do. 

To not hurt others but be dying inside ourselves. 

How we will compromise our selves?  Bargain with our dreams. 

Tell ourselves we are not worthy, too old … too fat … too poor.  Not enough or lovable.  Any limiting story that keeps us tightly contained  here, safe from truth and the possibilities to allow ourselves to grow, to be more than this.

So listen to you internal song and tell me … not what you think you should do.  Tell me what you want 


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