Welcome to a Journey of Sexual Alchemy and Body Empowerment

Understanding Our Relationship with Body and Sexuality

Welcome darling friend.

Thank you for exploring my blog.

I know it takes a heap full of courage and heart to not only pause and look at how we are relating to our bodies and sexuality.

But to take the brave step in asking for the support to establish a new pathway free from our held pain and limiting beliefs and to meet our sexual wounds as a source of medicine in the poison.

I hope this blog inspires you and fuels the “call” you feel to come back and re-remember and re-root in to your body,

To feel and trust into pleasure and sensations.

And to reclaim the innocent aliveness of your sexuality.

I know you have the courage and heart it takes, for it is that very same strength that has held you this far …

This blog is a tapas of suggestions, inspirations and lived wisdom, born out of my own journey of sexual alchemy.

Please feel most welcome to comment and share your own adventures.

All my love 

Michelle Robertons Signature

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Have a look at my YouTube channel


Tantric Life ~ What Is An Orgasmic Life?

Tantric Life ~ What Is An Orgasmic Life?

Once we knew how to feel “orgasmic” in life … As a child we knew the thrill of the everyday ordinary, we met the world

Dropping The “To Do” Of Practice.

Dropping The “To Do” Of Practice.

When we attend to meditation, yoga, Tantra, self love as a practice, we can create the beliefs that: It is something else to add to

Sands Of Time.

Sands Of Time.

If we take a moment to reflect upon the sands of time of our life, we will notice there is a presence to us …

Tantric Reflection ~ Expansion. Pause.

Tantric Reflection ~ Expansion. Pause.

They say the universe is always expanding and therefore it makes perfect sense that so are we.                 

Tantric Life ~ Ritual.

Tantric Life ~ Ritual.

Many moons ago, the word Ritual for me personally repelled me. It felt tied up with my aversion to religion. And my stubborn nature in

Tantric Reflection ~ Moving In The World.

Tantric Reflection ~ Moving In The World.

Reflection ~ Yesterday I curiously played with the quality of being, presence, wholeness and sensuality when moving IN the world. The rich fullness that bought

Tantric Meditation ~ Acceptance.

Tantric Meditation ~ Acceptance.

Acceptance of what IS allows  space for movement. We may think that acceptance means we are giving into or find our predicament acceptable. This is

Tantric Meditation ~ Resistance.

Tantric Meditation ~ Resistance.

We can all feel resistance. Sometimes of course this resistance may be an old method of self protection which was valid at the time. This

Tantric Reflection ~ Surrender.

Tantric Reflection ~ Surrender.

Reflection~ Surrender, can be such a loaded and misunderstood word. And maybe one that brings to our mind “a little white flag”. A lack of

Tantric Reflection ~ How Do You Hold You?

Tantric Reflection ~ How Do You Hold You?

Reflection ~ How do you hold YOU? An essential ingredient to self love, self responsibility, maturity, relationship with self and therefore in reflection our relationship

Tantric Reflection ~ Getting Out Of The Way.

Tantric Reflection ~ Getting Out Of The Way.

We have been given this belief that we DO life … we DO Sex … we DO love. We make life and love happen. This

Tantric Meditation ~ Trusting In Life.

Tantric Meditation ~ Trusting In Life.

In the womb without doubt, without logic, without a care , we  have an absolute trust in the breath … our needs being met …

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