What Once Kept Us Safe …

 I always feel this as an irritable discomfort.

As though it is keeping the edges of me, from breathing and being natural … From expanding into more-ness, as life desires us to.

Like old jeans that were a dream to slip on at 24 and felt fantastic, now feeling a squeeze and just not fitting who I am, or doing me any favours.

Our habitual patterns, routines and structures. Our worn out beliefs, our “taught” untruths. Our thoughts, are like those jeans.

There are many, many vows I took as a child, teenager, lover and mother. Powerful ones.

And many coats of beliefs I carried as my own, through my days because “they said say so” and hey they “knew best.”

And yes, many of those served a valid purpose THEN.

But what once we created to keep us safe, begins to keep us small.

We splinter our power and not only does Life become stagnant and dull, we feel stagnant and dull on the inside.

Until we have the courage to question …

❤️ Does this thought/ action move me forward to where I want to be, to who I know myself to be … or keep me stuck?

❤️ Does this thought feel truth in my heart, fill me up and inspire me? Or does it weaken me?

❤️ Does this belief inspire me to be the best I am or crush me small?

❤️ Does my life feel creative and inspired?

❤️ Do I feel alive or am I living with the ghosts of my yesterday‘s?

Sometimes we HAVE TO withdraw…
Claim ourselves back.
Let go.
And be PLAYFUL with the new.

Returning from our solitude and tender listening … with not just perfectly fitting fabulous jeans but sparkly “fuck off” amazing boots to match ❤️


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