Tantric Life ~ Ritual.

Many moons ago, the word Ritual for me personally repelled me.

It felt tied up with my aversion to religion.

And my stubborn nature in “having to do” and totally against my wild desire for spontaneous.

I notice also in the “everyday couple” not seeking a Tantric Way particularly but a  richer depth of connection with their lover, their eyebrows raise at the mention of Ritual or a sudden impulse to leg it out of the room

BUT over the moons … I have softened to this word by feeling it beyond the “ouch” and “that’s not for me”. We all are habitually Ritual as earthlings on a daily basis. The way we get ready in the morning.  How we put our children to bed … warm milk, stories and kisses.

How we spend our evenings.  How we like certain things a certain way.

Ritual is allowing space and time for something we are sharing with our self or an other to become present.  Nothing else … the phone, the shopping, the day we just had … the day yet to come, exists.

And this complete presence changes that experience into a quality of feeling deeply satisfying.  Rich.  Treasured.

When we are with our lover, our child, or our own body.

Our rituals makes this moment sacred. ❤️


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