Loving My Body.

Loving my body was an enormous journey for me …  

My first step was accepting I was part of a body, for my initial 32 years were spent in total denial and looking back …

Rebellion …

Of having one.

And then …

Gradually once I moved in, as if moving into a new home, I began to fill every room, every nook and cranny with love.

What helped was seeing my body with compassion, awe and deep gratitude.

So many life circumstances it had courageously carried me through.

So much pain it had suffered.



Tenderness replaced judgement and harsh words.

Devotion replaced self destruction. 

Where there are scars I saw stories.

Love  began to replace pain and fear.

Giving myself permission to live in and love my body was one of the greatest hurdles of my life but worth every single moment I choose not to give up and instead lean gently towards

devotion, commitment, reference …

To this miracle called “body.”


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