Your Body As A Safe Environment.

When we are experiencing a call to attend to our past traumas or current grief and life transitions, our process is supported by our environments.

Often our immediate response is to ensure our homes feel calm, quiet, and offer us a personal space to rest and attend to our emotional and mental well-being.
Very rarely do we consider that it is essential that our body is created as a “felt” safe environment.  For in our withdrawal from the world around us, it is our body but we must trust and feel at ease in.
When our flesh and bones do not feel a safe place to be, we find, in our attempt to meet our pain, we are easily distracted or seek distraction from the arising emotion through  unhealthy avoidance.
In this video I explore with you how we may create our body as a safe place to gently meet and love our wound ❤️


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Michelle Roberton

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