This weeks Tantric Inspiration woke me up at 3am … a scribble in the dark and back to sleep. 
Lay down on the ground and do nothing.
Each time the mind starts to chatter with ~
“I must do”
or “what about this movement”
or “this pose”
Or “that breath”.
Drop it and do nothing.
The mind ticks. That’s okay.
Do nothing.
Simply keep dropping through the layers into nothing.
We fear “nothing~ness”
It challenges us to let go of “do”.
In nothing~ness we fear we have no control.
And what if “nothing” consumes us?
We have been taught to think there must be something we SHOULD be doing or MUST be doing and so we fight against those vital gaps of darkness, of nothing~ ness that allow for rest, integration, transition and rebirth.
Yet we could turn this around, both acknowledge and trust that out of darkness in life, much beauty and light is born.
We could ask ~
“What is alive for us here … in nothing~ness?”
Why not play with curiosity,this week’s Tantric Inspiration and let me know as a comment below your experience. ❤