To Belong…

Once upon a time, over many a sun and moon, I longed to belong …
To belong with someone.
To belong in a place.
To belong on this planet.
To belong … bloody anywhere!

I worried what others thought. I was anxious around people. I people pleased and appeased.

I adjusted and adapted and begged to belong.

I built homes, relationships, a family … I looked and looked in every nook and dusty corner for the longing to be satisfied… to matter … to fit in … to feel I belonged.

Totally bypassing the possibility, that to authentically belong, without condition or reason, could only be truly known, truly FELT right here.

In root and bones. In breath and heartbeat. In skin and flesh.
In no longer escaping from but owning and trusting this body.

To FEEL you belong will not be silenced by the world around you, no matter how far you travel.
For life changes scenery … it’s faces … it’s voices. It’s ideals.

To belong is to let go of the fear that holds you away from getting down into your own roots … to be content and full in the rise and fall of the breath in your belly … to hold your beautiful face up to the sun … just as you, most perfectly are ❤️


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