All Voices Matters.

The last few weeks of my life have offered many shifts and adjustments, as I have settled into my new environment and the new space it has offered on all levels, to go beyond.

This has, of course happened within a global time of changing gears.
Beyond our individual structures, habitual patterns and limitations … and those of the collective.

My throat has had a frog in it each day. Sometimes she sits quietly .., (its a lady frog)
Other days she has let out a feeble croak.
Some days it has hurt. And she has cried many a tear.
Others she has burst into bliss filled song and scrumptious poetry.
Other days she has been a toad and then the next a shimmering sexual goddess.

Expanding, contracting, adjusting, expanding.

It has all been a new learning of my voice.

Knowing, believing, trusting, owning my voice in new ways … not louder, it just has a an exhilarating power and a desire to touch and share with others as gracefully as my fingertips…

To notice the voice of victim and let her grow beyond.
There is no power in the voice of the victim, the survivor yes, the warrior yes … absolutely!

Feeling the restrictive weakness and discomfort when my voice is coming from victim. The hands of suffocation.

Meeting the voice of the child who had the birthright to trust she may ask and receive, stolen.
To let her sing again and tell her wild and magical stories without being silenced.

To meet the voice of the seductive doubts of the nonbeliever and claim the voice that knows it is an expressive flow of all creation and to own the power of her word, her story.

How apt this has all come to be seen and explored … integrated and owned … in a global time, where all voices matter ❤️


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