
Have you ever truly watched a child’s approach to life?

How they explore themselves, their environment… life with a sense of curiosity.

With this approach every experience is original.  Every experience is new, fresh, rich.

Every experience expands … for this approach offers freedom.

What if we remembered to approach our selves, our bodies, our thoughts, our life situations with this simple quality that holds no preconceived ideas, no attachment to time or story.

No judgments … instead a meeting of innocence in which intelligence has space to speak its truth and beauty has space to rise.

Be curious about your breath, feel it, taste it.  Notice how it breathes you. Soothes or excites you.

Be curious about your body … it’s magnificence, its soft edges,  its curves, … its delicate world of sensation.

Be curious about that person beside you.

Those eyes you have looked into a 1000 times, so barely look anymore … meet in this moment as if for the first moment.

A new moment with new eyes.

When we forgot to be curious, we forgot to not only notice life but to feel it.


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