In this short sweet snippet I guide us into how we may get out of the containment of our own heads and slip most easily back into the juice and ease of our own bodies ♥️
In this short sweet snippet I guide us into how we may get out of the containment of our own heads and slip most easily back into the juice and ease of our own bodies ♥️
Tantric Life ~ When we think of intimacy we may instantly picture a scene of being close to another, allowing our most intimate body parts to be touched and explored.
Reflection ~ The past few mornings, this has been “asked” of me. I was not quite sure what it meant, for I didn’t feel I was … yet could feel
Tantric Reflection ~ I was sitting in the glorious sun today, reflecting on where I am, huge sighs of contentment… a big smile on my face and a twinkle in
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