Walk In Beauty.

This afternoon while walking my two crazy dogs around the Park, something changed in the way I held myself.

Not in my posture, something much deeper, from the inside out.                     

And I will try my best to figure out how to share …

Strange as it may seem to some, I heard the words ” Walk In Beauty” and I realised as I placed one foot before the other,  I was not being drawn to walk in beauty as in my surroundings ~  but to walk in my own.

To own my beauty, move in it … allow myself to be seen … and felt.

It felt internal … like stepping into the soft belly of feminine beauty. As if I could see and be seen from behind my bones and skin.

As women,  I feel this is something we have very much forgotten and hidden under the bullshit of glossy magazines and ideas of perfection.

That the truth of our beauty is far, far more than skin deep and it will only be seen if you allow it to be ♥️



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