

Surrender, can be such a loaded and misunderstood word.

And maybe one that brings to our mind “a little white flag”.

A lack of power.

Possibly, it means giving up.  No longer having or being in control.

A weakness.

Yet surrender for me is a quality of power, trust and strength I have never before known.

It is a rich feeling of … oh so much freedom!



An allowing, to fill up and overflow into more of my “more-ness.”

Surrender feels to me, that my mind is no longer whittling on, in its crazy smallness and belief that it has control.  That it has to DO it all.

That it/we … make this life happen.

Surrender to me, is a sincere trust, that I am part of the happening but certainly not the power or force that happens.

Surrender feels like my body has let go, not just into this breath … and this breath … but into you and existence itself.


Surrender means I do not have to try … Surrender means I do not have to hold tight with clenched fingertips.

Surrender let’s me know that something much much bigger than “I” or “you” deeply cares and has my back.

Surrender is when I am no longer in the way. ❤️


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