It is funny that even when we are given moments to relax, we do not allow ourselves to completely immerse into the warm pool of nothingness that “relax” invites us into. 
We may feel guilt that surely we ought to be doing something.
That maybe we are wasting time or going against the rules … We may feel an awkwardness in our body, our thoughts.
Yet in relax … something is do-ing.
It is just not us, in control of that do-ing.
A greater body intelligence happens when it is given time and space to.
Energy moves within us naturally … Life happens for us.
Just as life still breathes us, while we sleep.
Feeling the need to do … to control … to be active, does not give our body a chance to move us … To expand beyond our controlling ways or ideals.
We restrict and confine our sexuality, our sexual experiences, our inspirations, our lives to “smaller than”
Even in our activity, there can be a “relax” … just watch how children seem to be doing but how relaxed they are in body, movement, breath. You can see it on their little face, feel that ease around them.
I encourage you to play with this Tantric life method.
Enjoy how “relax” feels in your skin, in your sex, in your life