Moving Into Feeling…

We all too easily can get “kidnapped” & lost deep in our thoughts, worries & fears …

To live in the head only leads to misery, round & round swimming in exhausting thoughts, like the poor goldfish in his bowl yearning for the sea.

We have to catch ourselves, for there is more to life than living in the container of thought.

But how?


Move into the breath, your body & ask what am I feeling here?

No judging, no analysing, no forcing one to “be done with” & leave, while holding tight to another ..

Just immersing into feeling.

It may be a little uncomfortable but no more uncomfortable than the tight squeeze of the mind, it is simply our feelings appear more vulnerable than thought.


They open us, move us, change us.

Beautiful treasures will be uncovered ….

Maybe pain, maybe anger, maybe tears will come first.

Yet underneath …

Oh the pleasure, the peace, the joy, the freedom.

And then most simply …

What we are search for in every pair of eyes but our own.



Finally the heart can speak …


For even if only for a few moments of ecstasy, the mind has become no more.


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