Bodywork Therapist, Energy Healer, Intuitive and Sexual With Michael De Groot

Episode Description

Michelle has shared her work with many, for 19 years, specialising in Sexual Trauma & Intimacy as a Tantric educator, body worker and counsellor for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

Her passion stems from her own journey of discovering the medicine in the poison as she set it upon herself to reclaim her body, her breath, her sexuality and sensuality and express that in new, life enriching ways.

Michelle very much believes that our mind can only take us so far into any release of body trauma and healing of our sexuality. The discovery of who we authentically are is not hidden in our thoughts but in the sensuality and home of our body.

Her touch has been described by many as her gift to others. Her gentle, authentically honest & calming approach, a comforting breath of fresh air.

Michelle is a mamma to four superstar fully fledged children and lives in the colourful, vibrant city of Brighton.


“I believe there is no greater wisdom or compassion than experience.

No intellect can guide us where it has not been. At the tender age of 49 and what appears many lifetimes later, I am not sure there is any life situation I cannot empathise with.

Life has taught me well with its tapestry of colours…

From a childhood of sexual abuse, anorexia, to drugs, to homelessness, to the loss of a son, from life threatening illness to near a death experience, from marriage to single parent hood, to the loss of both breasts.

But I sit here, writing to you hand on my heart, knowing I would not change a nano second of this life. It has shaped me into this woman who longs to guide you into your sensual aliveness and a life that deliciously keeps unfolding, as you step free from all that you were designed to be and responsibly own all that you authentically are.

I am passionate about my “work” & “souly” committed to guiding others to reclaim and trust the world of body, sensation, intimacy and love, so they may connect with their “sex” & “own” its limitless power in a healthy, sacred way.

Uniting sexuality, spirituality, body & mind so that sex becomes a sharing of fullness that “spills” in rich abundance into all areas of life. No more separate pieces of who you are.

I deeply care about the “future of sex” for not only us but our children. I believe we deserve to know & trust, our bodies, touch & intimacy. We deserve to know our sex as our limitless potential. We deserve sacred relationships.

I believe it is time to evolve beyond what keeps us “small”, into the undeniable, indefinable connection between who we are ~ love, body, sex & life around us.”

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