My Life has been my un-learning and my learning.
I believe there is no greater wisdom or compassion than an experience lived.
No intellect can truly guide us where it has not been.
At the joyful age of 51, Life has guided me well with its tapestry of colours.
From a childhood of sexual abuse, anorexia, drugs, teenage motherhood, homelessness, to the loss of a son .. life threatening illness to near a death experience, from marriage to single parent hood, domestic violence,to the loss of both breasts…
But I sit here, writing to you hand on my heart, knowing I would not change a nano second of this life.
It has shaped me into the freedom of the woman I was always meant to be.
A woman who longs to guide you into your sensual aliveness and a life that deliciously keeps unfolding, as you step free from all that you were designed to be and responsibly own all that you authentically are.
Uniting sexuality, heart, body & mind so that sex becomes a sharing of fullness that “spills” in rich abundance into all areas of life. No more separate pieces of who you are.
What matters to me is your freedom as a sexual being.
What matters to me is your right to feel safe in body, intimacy and sex. And in turn, safe in your relationship with the world and those around you.
What matters to me is that you shine in the fullest, creative expression of YOU beyond the designs and limitations of fears, resistance and trauma.
I believe we deserve to know & trust, our bodies, touch & intimacy.
We deserve to know our sex as our limitless alive potential.
We deserve sacred relationships.
We have a responsibility to heal our sexual wounds and disconnect for our own evolution and the future of our children.
I believe individually we all meet a time that asks us to consciously expand beyond what keeps us “small”, into the undeniable, indefinable connection between who we are ~love, body, sex & life around us.
For 22 years I have explored and shared the life changing moments we can gift ourselves when we tenderly attend to our sexual healing and maturity.
My desire is to support all those I am honored to work with to create their body as a safe container that allows us to explore and play in the world around us.
I deeply care about our sex … the gentle release of trauma that may be suppressing our sense of aliveness, our creativity and self-esteem.
The rewiring of limiting untruths, the re-educating, beyond the mechanics into the vast expansion of our orgasmic potential..
Our sexual mental and emotional well being that can silently infringe upon and impact all areas of our life.
I am the founder of Authentic Roots® A fluid and individualised “methodology” that forms a unique body-mind medicine. At its rich core Tantric traditions are embraced as a lifestyle to mold a sustainable container for the modern day approaches of neurobiology and sexual trauma counselling.
I have been a therapist and teacher of bodywork & energy healing, and voice of meditation since 2002. I am a counsellor for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse and trauma bodyworker and yoga teacher.
Yet above all these bits of paper, there is the power of the lived experience of my own inner alchemy that invites the catalyst and co-creation between us, of your own deeply profound, intuitive journey, of discovering the medicine in the poison.
I invite you to:
Re-create a relationship with your breath and body as your safe environment.
Re~discover who you are and build a felt new experience of trust in the world of sensation, intimacy and love.
Create a language of body listening, to ignite the possibilities of your inner alchemy.
Lean into resistance so it may dissolve into freedom.
Tenderly meet trauma and re-parent the wound.
Integrate and ground a “return~in” to body and sex to reclaim the natural equilibrium of safety and belonging.
To meet you in whatever overwhelm and darkness you feel yourself to be, gently take your hand and guide you into.
Offer new possibilities for your nervous system.
Provide simple methods to curiously play with so you may create a healthy relationship with your body and a sustainable lifestyle.
Ensure you have full agency of your own process… meaning you are the happening.
share with you a quiet and open heart.
Give you Ears that truly listen,
Invite you into a warm receptive environment where all abandoned, rejected, judged or shamed parts are welcome, seen, known, heard and met.
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